Happy Summer Solstice 2024!
As our first summer storms usher in the solstice this afternoon I am relieved to have a break from the heat wave that has dictated my last few days of work here on the farm. It’s also great to have mother nature water the many plants we have in the ground!
This season is turning out much differently than what I originally had planned. Of course, that’s always the way. You make a perfect plan in the depths of January only to be thrown curve ball after curve ball all season long. All I can really do is try to learn and adapt as I go along. Sometimes this can be fun and sometimes it can be down right soul crushing.
This year’s big curve ball came early on and luckily has been far from soul crushing. It’s actually pretty joyous. We are expecting a baby girl this Fall! Pretty much on our frost date here in zone 5a which feels quite fitting. As the late season flowers go to seed, so will I! I’m still farming and am going to try to take this season as far as I can. When the flowers overwhelm me and I just can’t keep up (probably sometime in September), I hope to host a big pick your own event and see you all there. We’ll just have to see how it all goes!
For now though, happy Summer Solstice!
Rest and recalibration
Happy New Year!
With winter well underway here in the north, it’s time for a little rest and recalibration. There are still many ongoing projects here on the farm that don’t stop just because it gets cold outside. There is infrastructure and machinery to repair, trees and shrubs to prune, and a brand new 97 foot geothermal greenhouse that we are still trying to dial in.
That being said, the days are a bit slower and shorter this time of year allowing us to step back, take a deep breath, and see the big picture a little more clearly. Moving forward we are going to continue to provide mixed bouquets and loose stems throughout the growing season via our farmstand and retail store channels. We are taking on a few more weddings this year that I am really looking forward to contributing to, and we’ve talked about hosting more on farm events. So, stay tuned for those!
We are also continuing to offer our seasonal wreath subscription. The wreath subscription is close to my heart. My ultimate goal is to connect others with the natural cycles of this beautiful land. My speciality wreaths highlight those seasonal shifts at their peaks.
Let us know what you’d like to see more of in the coming season! You can send me a message via email, instagram, or facebook. We’d love to hear from you!
Don’t forget to take some time to rest. Spring will be here before we know it!
-Karey Ann
June 2022
Hello Friends!
We have some exciting happenings going on at the farm this month. The new greenhouse is almost finished, the peonies are rolling in, and next week we are hosting our first ‘yoga at the farm’ event of the 2022 season!
On the 21st of this month, my dear friend and talented yoga instructor, Lauren Goldstien, will be paying a visit to lead us in an evening practice to celebrate the Summer Solstice.
This gathering will also feature a sun tea component facilitated by yours truly. Each participant will be invited to put together a unique batch of sun tea with herbs and maybe even some edible blooms provided by the farm.
Visit this link to learn more
Yoga Instructor Lauren Goldstien
Silver Spring Farm Backyard Event Space
April 2022
Hello Friends,
Here we go again! As we start to round the corner into the green times the Pussy Willows are going out in a fireworks display of pollen. As one of the very first harbingers of spring they will attract the hungry pollinators without much competition from other flowers.
Now other signs of spring are starting to pop up here on the farm. Daffodils are beginning to bloom, with tulips close behind, and when I look up into the wooded banks that line the farm road I can see the glowing green color of young spring ramps (wild leeks). A welcome sight to behold!
Earlier this month I partnered with Olivia from Anderbell Acres in Montpelier to host a spring wreath making workshop over in her neck of the woods. It was a great success. Everybody had an awesome time and I think we will make it an annual thing. So, if you missed out this time, don't worry. You'll have another chance to get in on the fun next spring.
Keep an eye on the website for upcoming workshops here at Silver Spring this Summer and Fall. Spring wreath making was just the first in an exciting line up of events we have planned for this season.
March 2022
Silver Spring Farm Newsletter
March 1, 2022
Hello friends!
I can't shake the feeling that spring is just around the next corner. Are you feeling that way too? Even as I look out my window at the snow covered landscape (that I am still very much enjoying by the way) there has been a noticeable shift in the season. Maybe it was kicked off by our 50 degrees and raining Spring preview we had a week ago? Probably. Weird weather, I digress...as I've been observing the landscape these past couple of weeks I've watched the buds on trees and bushes fatten with the promise of warm river days ahead. It's exciting! We get to do it all over again!
Inside the grow room at SIlver Spring we already have Snapdragons, Queen Anne's Lace, and some Sweet Peas popping up! Outside under plastic and hoops in the field we have 2 inch high poppies, larkspur, nigella, and maybe some other survivors. There are tulips ready to pop up in the field and in the greenhouse...although something has been munching on the tulips in the greenhouse. I can't say that I blame them, it must be a pretty nice snack in the dead of winter. We have a live trap set so I'll let you know if we figure out who the culprit is!
Basically, this is the time of year that I start feeling pulled between my love of snowboarding and my love of all my baby plants. It's a pretty great problem to have.
It's not too late to sign up to either of our CSA style subscription offerings. The first wreath pick-up will be at the end of this month/beginning of next month depending on whether or not you chose to pick up your share in Monkton or Bolton. And the first flower pick up isn't until June (think Mother's day gifts...you'll hear more about that from us soon)
If you'd like to have our newsletter mailed straight to your inbox sign up here at www.silverspringfarmvt.com
Have a Happy Solstice later this month ya'll!
-Karey Ann
February 2022
Hello friends!
I hope everyone is enjoying the winter months and maybe even getting out to play in the snow a bit. Here at Silver Spring we have definitely been making time for winter fun, but we have also been doing a lot of reflecting and dreaming about the approaching growing season.
This season you will once again be able to find our bouquets at Downtown and South End City Market locations, as well as Lantman’s Market in Hinesburg, or at our very own farm stand.
We are also launching a new way to get your Silver Spring fix this year with our two new subscription services! We are so excited to be offering both a bouquet subscription as well as a wreath subscription for 2022! Visit silverspringfarmvt.com for details and membership purchases.
The bouquet subscription especially makes a fantastic Valentine’s Day gift for anybody who you think deserves to be showered in fresh flowers all season long!
Pickups will be held at Bolton Valley Resort as well as right here at the farm in Monkton and we would love to see you there!
Thanks for taking the time to read our newsletter. Please feel free to share it with anyone who might be interested. Cheers to the 2022 growing season,
Karey Ann